Apple Apple ! – Fixing Up an Alphabet

This Fall at the Ingenuity Festival event, a food alphabet was made out of apples. This week I am going to be editing and fixing up the  Ingenuity Apple alphabet, which means I will be editing and resizing each image so it is ready to use in the Food Font tool.  When working on this,  I use Photoshop to edit and adjust the letters. It takes me about four hours to complete the editing and preparation of one alphabet.  If an alphabet does not have many shadows, the editing and preparation goes faster.

For the Food Font tool, letters need to be on a transparent background, which means that the backround of each letter needs to be erased.  Each file should be 300 pixels time 300 pixels and at a resolution of 300 pixels/inch.  Each Letter should be named with its letter and character.  (A.jpg, B.jpg, comma.jpg, etc.)

If you do not use Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, GIMP (which is a free download), and PhotoScape are software that can be used to prepare and edit images.

To get your alphabet ready, we encourage you to prepare your alphabet if you can, but if you are not able to do so, you can send in your alphabet images and we will fix them up.  It is faster if you do it – but we want to help you out to get your alphabet done and ready to be in the Food Font tool when it launches this Winter.

More information is in the Make a Food Font page of the site which has a directions page you can save and print.



Video that shows how to remove a background in GIMP

GIMP – website



Food Font is an art project where people can make alphabets out of food, take pictures of each letter, and later use these and other food alphabets to create images and other creative projects.

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